Friday, 27 September 2024

20 Ways to Start Believing in Yourself

Believing in yourself is the starting point where all things manifest from. When you don't believe in yourself, you literally block everything from happening for you. It's the difference between wishing you had luck - and creating your own luck.

Learning how to believe in yourself is necessary for achieving goals and handling challenges, but how do we do it?

The first step to opening yourself up to believing in yourself is to learn how to stop being your own critic, and start being your own proponent. In all honesty, you will never live a positive life when you are trash-talking yourself.

If you are someone who finds yourself engaging in trash-talk, you need to pay more attention to what you are saying to yourself throughout the day.

You need to ensure your self-talk is working for you, rather than against you. 

You will want to note that it is not wise to trash-talk others. This is important to your success. Why you may ask? Because you will experience setbacks - and those you trash-talked will mock you when you slip up. It's a kind-of karma where you talk bad about others, then bad happens only to you. Your success is not based on how poorly you see others; it is based solely on you focusing on your good nature and your abilities.

Here are 20 ways to believe in - and affirm yourself:

  1. I am confident in my abilities and open to new challenges.
  2. I have everything it takes to be successful.
  3. I can achieve anything I put my heart into.
  4. I deserve kindness and respect from others.
  5. I get better every day.
  6. I have so much to offer others.
  7. I will stand up for myself.
  8. I am a good hearted person.
  9. I draw from those who are successful and inspire me.
  10. I know the good I am capable of.
  11. I am exactly who I am supposed to be.
  12. I am happy with the person I am. 
  13. I am content with my life.
  14. I deserve kind and supportive people in my life.
  15. I have many strengths and apply them for the greater good.
  16. I am aware of my weakness and am working on them.
  17. I am open to healthy and positive relationships.
  18. I am proactive.
  19. I am in control.
  20. I make right choices, and choose right responses.

People who doubt themselves are guaranteed to fail. 

It is important that you combine the positive self-talk with actions congruent with them. You will want to make a habit of building this into your regular work/home life first before applying them when pursuing your dreams. Believing you can is 80% of your success ☺️

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