Wednesday, 15 May 2024



WHO ARE YOU? (All links go to KJV Scripture Reference)

This is one of the most difficult questions to answer - and there's a reason for that!
As human beings, we have a tendency to think of our man/womanhood as something concrete and tangible that connects us to the 'real world'; that's why we follow celebs and mimic them in appearance and attire. After all, fitting in is what we aim for - right?
Who we really are is nothing more than a product of our minds-in terms of how we see ourselves IN this said 'real world'!
As we go through experiences, we develop our own idea that either enables or disables our ability to relate to - or fit-in this world we live in.
The good times offers comfort, but the bad times challenge our establishment. These challenges are what cause a schema that is supposed to break us from this world, and embolden us to see things from a new perspective.
We need these experiences because we are not here to stay; we are only passing through.
Getting back to the question of Who Are

You are a mental being, not just any mental being, but a self-conscious mental being; but your state of mind depends upon how self-aware (awake) you are to sound judgment.
The world would have you follow after the image of celebs as opposed to the Image of God - chasing after the glamour and having you doubt your beauty, gender, your wellness, the rhythm of your heartbeat, the sound of your cough - all the way down to your own happiness. The world wants you to doubt everything about your life all - especially the foundation we are built on (shape of the earth)! The world causes this because they want to control you. As people identify themselves in their weakness (doubts)- they give their power over to the world's system without realizing it.
If this said 'real world' is where you identify yourself, then you are in a world of trouble!
There is only One Way to pull yourself out and that is by removing yourself from it altogether. You do that by reversing what the world taught you and returning to the foundation that God placed you upon (A Perfect Foundation).

The story on David & Goliath is altogether a perfect example of going against the world and the labels they attach onto you.
When you go with the flow you are only drowning in the sea. The way to fight the world's system is by going against the grain by causing friction and making a difference! What you overcome is what you become, and like Christ, HE overcame the world - including death!
(John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.)

When you overcome mental/spiritual challenges by working in opposition against them, you are in a position to make a difference in this fake world we live in. It is then and there that 'Who You Are' is established.

God Bless!

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