Monday 10 August 2020


While on my road-trip, I had the pleasure of taking pictures of this abandoned house. Up close, you can see that at some point, there was the intention to renovate, but it obviously never came to pass. Judging by what I saw, this home has been waiting for a loving touch for about 40 years. In the second picture, you can see that the back door has been left wide open; although I could have walked right in, I decided not to for safety reasons.
Looking at this house I remembered this verse from John 14:18 which says, "I will not leave you as orphans [comfortless, bereaved, and helpless]; I will come [back] to you."
I know I have a story of how I have felt abandoned and run down - needing a loving touch. It seems that the longer it took, the more helpless (hopeless) I felt.
With ways of my own, I created a lifestyle that eased the discomfort; but in the end, it only lead to greater discomfort.
Psalm 149:4 says "For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation and adorn the wretched with victory."
It is our human nature to desire to have our needs met by what this world offers; after all, we live here - but, we are not staying here...
Perhaps it is God's goal to break us from this world and the passing things that are in it because he is preparing us for an eternal home. We must be "on board" with God's perfect plan because it begins here, but it doesn't end here.
Psalm 127:1(a) says that unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it.

If you are struggling, that may be an indicator that it's time to Let Go and Let GOD!

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