Wednesday 15 June 2022

Only Believe


Out of all 129 verses that contained the word rose, these are the only 2 verses that refer to the actual flower in the KJV; all the other verses were pertaining to rising up or rising early. On a side note, that’s exactly what roses do – rise up early.

Roses are the most potent and powerful out of all things that people consume. Their health benefits are paramount in fighting all diseases and preventing them. Rose essential oil has the highest MHz rating over all other foods and oils; and rose petals are packed with vitamin C which makes them choice to toss into salads and smoothies. It’s no wonder that the rose is compared to the excellency of our God.

The average human operates anywhere between 72-90 MHz When your MHz gets below 57, you are prone to disease and infections. If your MHz gets down to 25, that’s when death occurs. Naturally, you’d want to keep your MHz values above 72.

By simply breathing in rose essential oil, your frequency is raised to 66 MHz after 21 seconds.

Rose Essential Oil can stop bleeding (from a cut) and it will prevent infection. Rose Essential Oil can also reduce your blood pressure quickly. Since Rose Essential Oil has a value of 320 Hz, it can literally delay death in humans. No wonder why one of the many titles of Jesus is the Rose of Sharon, He defied death - and rose again - even after losing all that blood! (Luke 22:44John 19:34Luke 22:20) His blood was shed for our eternal lives!

Another title for Jesus is the Lily of the Valley. Interestingly enough, the term "Lily of the Valley" (Song of Songs 2:1 הָעֲמָקִים) is what European herbalists' use to refer to specific plant species that just appear out of nowhere, and out of impossible conditions...

Luke 12:27-28 Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?

In these days of fear-mongering and promises of food shortages and inflation, are you believing God will provide for you? Or are you demanding your government to take action? Faith is believing God over government. Government creates problems - while every solution to them is found in the Word of God; and, as long as you are in Christ, why would you even care as to what is going on in the world?

Take this example from Isaiah 65:10 "And Sharon shall be a fold of flocks, and the valley of Achor a place for the herds to lie down in, for my people that have sought me: 

Now the Sharon Plain (pictured here) runs along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The area use to be fertile, but only during the time of God's provision. Now, only a small area remains farmland, but the majority of the plain is now under water (swamp). Perhaps it's this way because the people who took over the land (Zionists) do not seek the LORD...

We truly serve a God who is Sovereign over all impossibilities, and creation truly reveals God's excellency, and promises.

Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Only Believe

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