If you've ever driven through the
I recently had a trip to a large city; the moment we got
close, there was a heavy flow of traffic; drivers cutting people off—showing up
that middle finger—all rushing to get to their destination for whatever
important reason they figure they had.
I have never been affected positively by someone who was in
a rush; negatively— absolutely, but never positively. I doubt you have either.
I certainly couldn't wait to return home where I live in my little mountain
town, but first, I had to pass through the high elevation
Mountains contain water so naturally, rivers and streams flow from them. Mountain clouds divert air masses which force them to rise—then cool, and fall as rain, or snow. Mountain clouds limit pollution—providing us with fresh filtered water and they sustain food production for more than half of the world’s population. Mountain clouds also regulate the flow of streams [downstream] harnessing rain and fog that provide power to hydroelectric dams—all this has a positive impact on our environment.
Mountains are not only beautiful and meaningful, but they are also very powerful. No wonder that Jesus' Sermon was on the Mountain (Matthew5:1-12).
The majority of people do not dwell in high elevation mountains but we can
reflect that beauty by fixing our focus on Jesus. Jesus is beautiful,
meaningful and all the power of heaven and earth is trusted to him. As the
mountains provide power for the earth, Jesus provides power for us.
Lets examine what Jesus really means! We have JES and we
have US.
US (preposition)
is where we represent ourselves. Apart from that, there is no significance or
source that empowers us other than our secular [corrupt; in opposition with
Biblical values] world.
Did you know that JES
(colloquial) means great excitement? (used to express pleasure, joy, or
great excitement)? JES also means
(tangible) riches; overflowing and YES! But most importantly, JES (subject) describes a person who has a heart for anything
living; A hand that heals, and a heart that loves; an instrument for the living
God. Jesus impresses us with this
significance in John 15. Putting JES and US together brings all that He is into our lives!
All streams flow downward; it is only those whose hearts are
filled with God's peace, hope and joy that can flow into the hearts of others.
The Bible says in John 7:38 that "Streams of living water shall flow from
the hearts of those whose gaze is fixed on Jesus." As we fix our eyes on
Jesus, we become like him. When we take our eyes off of Jesus, we lose heart
[faith] and the cares and business of this life choke our effectiveness.
It takes discipline [leadership] to position your focus on Jesus rather than your self—important 'to-do' list, but there is a peaceful result that has a positive continuous effect on the lives of others.
When our hearts are filled with hope and faith, we overflow—affecting the lives of others [bearing fruit] in a positive way. When we allow ourselves to be disciplined [keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus] we become living lights for God's purpose and Glory. Others will recognize that light and come to know the One True God of Hope and Salvation - Jesus! See More
God Bless!
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